7 Ways to Add Protein to Foods

Looking to add more protein to your diet?  Here are some simple, delicious ways to boost your protein intake.

Getting enough protein at meals isn’t usually difficult, especially if your meal centers around a protein-rich piece of chicken or fish.  But when your menu features items that may not be as protein-rich – like soups or pasta dishes, for example – you might want to consider some add-ins to provide a protein boost to your meal.

In order to work more protein into your day, protein-rich eggs, dairy products, protein powders, beans and tofu can all be used to add more protein to everyday dishes.  Here are some ways to use these foods to help you meet your protein goals at every meal.

7 Ways to Add More Protein To Everyday Dishes
  • Protein powder is a natural in smoothies, but you can also stir protein powder into hot cereals, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese or yogurt.  You can also “power up” your baked goods by adding protein powder to your recipes for items like bran muffins, whole grain pancakes or banana bread.  Or, try making a “protein chai” – blend vanilla protein powder into a smooth paste with a little water, then top off with hot tea and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
  • Eggs are super-versatile protein boosters and a single egg, or two whites, contributes about 7 grams of protein.  Hard-boiled eggs are great to keep around to round out a snack, to chop into a tossed salad, slice onto a sandwich or as a source of protein in a vegetable curry.  You can give a protein boost to soup by slowly pouring beaten eggs into simmering broth (they’ll cook almost immediately). Or, try stirring some egg whites into oatmeal as it cooks – it will help thicken up the cereal, but won’t change the flavor.
  • Nonfat cottage cheese offers up a good boost of protein along with bone-building calcium. You can stir cottage cheese into cooked scrambled eggs, casseroles, mashed potatoes or pasta dishes; or, try whirling it in the blender with beans for a high-protein dip for raw veggies.  You can give baked goods a protein boost by sneaking some cottage cheese into your recipes for pancakes, waffles and muffins.
  • Milk and soy milk (not almond or rice milk, which have very little protein) can replace other liquids called for in recipes and boost the protein. Depending on the recipe, milk can often stand in for broth, juice or wine in lots of dishes.  Make your oatmeal with milk instead of water, and you’ll get an extra 7 to 10 grams of protein, or give soups a creamy protein boost by substituting milk for part of the broth or water.
  • Beans are a good source of protein and can be added either whole or mashed to foods like soups, stews, casseroles, pasta sauces, curries, salads or guacamole.  Hummus can be used as a spread for sandwiches or wraps to add some extra protein, or it can be thinned down with a little water and used as a salad dressing.  Mild-tasting white beans can even be added to protein shakes – their flavor is hardly noticeable, and beans add a thick, creamy texture.
  • Tofu has such a mild flavor that it can be sneaked into a lot of dishes for a protein boost. You can add it to protein shakes, or blend it until smooth and add to sauces, casseroles, eggs and pasta dishes, or use as a base for a healthy dip for veggies.  You can also cut firm tofu into cubes and add to salads, soups and stir-fries.
  • Plain, nonfat yogurt adds a tangy protein boost to protein shakes, oatmeal, soups, sauces and curries.  If you’re adding to hot foods, stir in at the last minute to prevent it from curdling.  Plain yogurt can also replace mayonnaise in tuna, chicken or egg salads.  Even salad dressing can get a protein boost from yogurt – whisk plain nonfat yogurt with salt, pepper, garlic, herbs and a drizzle of olive oil for a tangy dressing for your greens.

How To Make Healthy Foods Taste Great

Healthy foods shouldn’t be bland and boring! Try these tips to make healthy foods taste great!

When someone complains to me that “healthy foods don’t taste good,” it’s often because they simply don’t know how to prepare them.  I think healthy foods taste great, but that’s only because I’ve learned – admittedly, over many years – how to cook and season them in order to enhance their naturally delicious flavors.  You canmake vegetables, fish, poultry, whole grains and fruits taste great.  Here’s how.

Why Don’t You Like Healthy Foods?

If you’re not used to eating healthy fruits, veggies, lean proteins and whole grains, you may feel that you simply don’t like them.  If your diet consists of a lot of processed foods that are overloaded with salt, fat and sugar, it could be that your taste buds are simply accustomed to these tastes – which, by the way, are often needed to pump up the flavor of these highly processed foods that would otherwise be pretty bland.

You may be so unaccustomed to the natural flavors in foods (and so used to the salty, fatty, sweet flavors in your daily diet) that the only way you can choke down the healthy foods is to douse them with more salt, fat and sugar.

It could also be that you haven’t learned how to select and prepare healthy foods in order to get the most flavor.  Maybe, like many people, you equate “healthy” eating with “plain”  – so your meals consist of “plain” broiled chicken or “plain” steamed vegetables without seasoning.  I don’t know if this is some form of dietary self-sabotage (or a form of punishment!), but I can certainly see how a plain, bland diet could turn people off.  On the other hand, I truly believe that healthy foods – properly prepared – are incredibly flavorful and delicious.

There are two keys to making healthy foods taste good.  The first is to start with the best possible ingredients.  When foods are as fresh as can be, they’re at their peak of quality – which means they’re also at their peak of flavor.

The second key to making healthy foods taste good is to learn how to cook and season them.  It helps if you’re willing to be a little fearless in the kitchen.  If you’re not much of a cook, you might not trust your instincts, and worry that you’ll make a “mistake”.  But that’s part of the fun, and it’s also how you learn to enhance flavors, not to simply cover them up.

How To Make Healthy Foods Taste Delicious

How to Make Vegetables Taste Great
  • Buy in season as much as possible, or purchase frozen vegetables.
  • Season with garlic, onion, citrus, vinegar, herbs, soy sauce.
  • Sprinkle with nuts, seeds, or a little shaved parmesan cheese.
  • Saute in broth, wine or a little flavorful oil – olive, sesame or walnut.
  • Roast to mellow and concentrate the flavor.  Toss veggies with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and roast in a single layer on a cookie sheet in a 425 degree (Gas Mark 7) oven for about 20 minutes until tender and beginning to caramelize.
  • Mix several veggies together.  Mixtures are more enticing to the eye and the palate.
  • Blanch then stir-fry.  Blanching is especially good for strong-tasting veggies like broccoli and cauliflower, and it helps to both season the veggies and take away some of the very strong flavors.  Blanch cut veggies in boiling, salted water for 60 seconds.  Drain, then stir-fry in a little oil with garlic and a drizzle of soy sauce.
  • Massage strong-tasting greens like kale or cabbage before eating them raw.  Finely slice the greens, then massage under a spray of warm water for a minute or two.  This softens the texture slightly and removes some of the ‘raw’ taste.  Rinse with cold water to refresh, then dry thoroughly and dress with a little vinaigrette.
  • Sweeten your veggies to contrast with the strong taste.  Slice a fresh apple, pear or orange into your green salad, or a few golden raisins to a broccoli stir-fry.
How to Make Fish, Poultry or Tofu Taste Great
  • Marinating your proteins before cooking boosts flavor, and also helps keep these foods moist and tender.  Acidic foods help to tenderize, so include some citrus juice, vinegar, or yogurt in your marinade.
  • Rubs are mixtures of seasonings – usually salt, pepper, herbs and spices – that are liberally “rubbed” into the surface of your protein (dry rub) or mixed into a paste with a little prepared mustard, oil, mashed garlic or yogurt (wet rub).  There are endless variations on rub mixtures – if you don’t trust your instincts to make your own, you might start with a commercial seasoning mix.  After applying the rub, place food in the refrigerator and let the rub penetrate for at least 30 minutes or up to several hours before cooking.
  • Fish and poultry tend to be dry, but poaching them in a flavorful liquid gives you a moist and flavorful result.  You can use vegetable, mushroom, fish or chicken stock and for more flavor, you can add sliced lemon, onion, garlic, fresh herbs and peppercorns to the liquid.
  • Top with something as simple as a squeeze of lemon juice and a shower of parsley, a drizzle of olive oil or a few dashes of soy sauce.  Or, top with salsa (tomato or fruit), tomato sauce, sautéed mushrooms or onions, or sliced avocado.
How to Make Whole Grains Taste Great
  • Saute first in a little oil over medium heat.  Most whole grains have a naturally nutty flavor, and when you sauté them until they just start to toast a little bit, it brings out this delicious taste.
  • Season with spices.  You can add spices while you sauté your grains – many of the flavorful and aromatic compounds in spices are fat-soluble, so this technique helps to release more flavor from the spices.  There’s no limit to what spices you can use.  Some of my favorites include ground cumin, curry powder, cinnamon, ginger or dried orange peel.
  • Add vegetables and herbs.  Cooking vegetables along with your grains helps you boost your vegetable intake and it adds lots of flavor and color to your dish.  As you sauté your grains, you can add onion, garlic, chopped broccoli, grated carrot, diced pepper, chopped tomato, or some herbs like parsley, thyme, oregano or basil.
  • Cover with a flavorful liquid.  Instead of water, cook your grains or beans with chicken, vegetable or mushroom stock, or diluted tomato juice. 
How to Make Fruits Taste Great
  • Buy in season as much as possible, or purchase frozen fruits.
  • Sprinkle with sweet spices (like cinnamon, clove or nutmeg), citrus juice or a few drops of balsamic vinegar.
  • Blend fruits into your protein shakes to add delicious flavor and texture.
  • Mix different fruits into a fruit salad.  The flavors play off one another, and the beautiful colors add appeal.
  • Dip cut fruits into a mixture of plain nonfat yogurt sweetened with a little bit of pure maple syrup.

Ten healthy breakfast ideas to boost energy

Choosing the right foods for breakfast can help to boost energy and curb hunger.

Eating a healthy breakfast really can set the stage for healthier eating all day long.  The right foods in the morning can provide you with the energy you need to power through until lunch.  And, with a healthy breakfast in your system, you’re less likely to experience mid-morning cravings for unhealthy foods – eating the right foods can help keep you satisfied and energized until your next meal or snack.

What Is A Good Breakfast?

The foods you eat for breakfast can really affect how you feel and perform throughout your morning, and there are several things that a good breakfast can do for you.

A healthy breakfast is a meal that can….

–  Keep you fueled up until your next meal or snack.  A well-balanced breakfast should provide you with staying power.  Foods with protein help to satisfy hunger, and high fiber foods help to fill you up.–   Supply your body and brain with energy.  In the morning, your body’s gas tank is running close to empty.  When you eat the right foods for breakfast, you’re providing your muscles and brain with the fuel they need for optimal performance.–  Help avoid blood sugar swings and reduce cravings.  A balanced meal that contains both protein and healthy carbohydrates can provide a steady and sustained release of energy into your system, and help ward off wild swings in your blood sugar that can trigger cravings for sweets or other unhealthy foods.

 (This applies as long as you don’t have any medical issues that might affect your body’s ability to regulate your blood sugar).–  Help you make better food choices throughout the day. Breakfast skippers often experience food cravings for sweets and fats that can persist throughout the day.  But a recent study 1 found that when breakfast is eaten, the cravings for sweets drop dramatically. 

 And, if the breakfast is high in protein, it tends to also reduce cravings for salty, fatty foods, too.   So, the right foods in the morning could help reduce cravings for unhealthy foods later in the day, and could steer you towards healthier choices.–  Provide enough protein to help support muscle health.  Eating enough protein in the morning not only helps satisfy hunger, it can also help maintain muscle health, too.  For many people, typical daily meals tend to provide little protein at breakfast, a bit more at lunch, and a much larger amount at dinner – a pattern that may not provide the best conditions for the building and repairing of muscle tissue. 

In a study published last year 2, muscle protein synthesis was shown to be 25% greater in subjects whose protein intake was more evenly distributed throughout the day, compared to those who ate most of their protein at the evening meal.

10 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

A balanced breakfast should provide you with a decent amount of protein (20-30 grams would be a good target) to help satisfy hunger and to support muscle health, along with some healthy carbohydrates which can provide sustained energy and fiber.  Carbohydrates should include – at the very least – some fruits or vegetables;  if calories allow, add some whole grains as well.

With these simple guidelines, it’s easy to put together a healthy, well-balanced breakfast.  Here are 10 healthy breakfast suggestions:

  1.  Cook some fresh or frozen spinach in the microwave, top with scrambled eggs/egg whites and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar;  fresh fruit on the side
  2. Protein shake made with protein powder, low fat milk or soy milk and fruit
  3. Plain nonfat/low fat yogurt or cottage cheese topped with either fresh fruit and cinnamon or chopped raw vegetables and some fresh black pepper
  4. Rolled oats prepared with milk or soy milk; stir in protein powder and fruit after cooking
  5. Corn tortillas, heated and spread with black beans;  top with grated low fat cheese and salsa; fresh fruit
  6. Whole grain toast spread with avocado and topped with slices of turkey breast;  fresh fruit
  7. Extra-firm tofu, drained, crumbled and scrambled in a little olive oil with fresh vegetables and herbs;  fresh fruit
  8. Whole grain crackers spread with nonfat ricotta cheese and topped with sliced berries
  9. Salmon patty on a toasted whole-grain English muffin; fresh fruit
  10. Leftovers:  whole grains, protein and veggies make a great breakfast!

What is your favorite breakfast meal?  Share your ideas for healthy, energizing morning meals!

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How to build an achievable FITNESS PLAN


I think you need one and these are my tipson how to kickstart your year with a renewedcommitment to stay in shape OR get in shape.

I know that starting a new fitness plan can be daunting, especiallyif you haven’t worked out in a while or you’ve started and stoppedbefore, but – with a new approach and a determined attitude –success may be closer than you think!The most important first step to becoming fit is making a workablefitness plan, otherwise it’s too easy to lose focus. Try asking yourselfthese five questions below and make sure you answer themcompletely honestly:

What are my bad health habits?

Your answers might be poor eating, having too many snacksor sitting down for too many hours…

Where do you rate yourself on a scale of 1-10?

One being completely out of shape – breathing heavily whiledoing daily tasks – and 10 being perfect fitness.

How much time do you currently dedicate toexercise or activity each week?And is it enough?

Would you like to be more fit and do youwant to have more energy?

What three fitness activities do you most enjoy?

Be honest – do you like walking, exercise classes or simply playing outdoors with your kids?

Don’t hold back fromputting something more adventurous down as a bonusanswer – you can work up to high-powered activities as youbuild your fitness.

What roadblocks have caused you to lose focusin the past?

Maybe you’ve stopped exercising because you’ve becomebusy at work, or your routine was interrupted and you didn’tget back into fitness. Put down anything that derailed yourplans.

Now let’s use your answers to make a fitness plan

You can decide to fix just one thing at a time so that you don’toverwhelm yourself. Let’s go through your answers and build afitness plan you can stick to all year. You don’t need to aim too high– right now, we just want to improve on where you are now.


If you eat unhealthily then you should focus on making your next meal more healthy because you can’t change what you’ve eaten in the past but you can make sure your next meal meets all your nutritional needs. Approach fitness in the same way: focus on your current or next workout and do the best you can. Decide right now when you are going to do an activity… or even go and grab your running shoes and prepare for an activity session as soon as you finish reading this!


It’s good to know where you are – but you also need to think about where you want to be. I’d like you to aim for two points higher than your current number. So, if you rate a five then your fitness plan should slowly take you up to a seven. And, if you’re already at level 10 then I know you’re ready for any challenge but maybe you could diversify? Think about whether there


If you want to give more time in your life to exercise then try to increase your exercise habits by 10 minutes per week until you reach at least 30 minutes of activity a day. Exercise doesn’t have to be daunting: if you currently sit down in an office for long periods then promise yourself that you’ll go and visit a colleague instead of emailing at least twice each day.Or, plan a walk straight after work –even if you only go around the block then at least you’re out and about.As you build your fitness plan, you’ll soon see that adding 10 minutes of activity here and there can make your day more fun and that has to be better than thinking of exercise as a chore.


You can start out by only doing the activities on your list – the ones you listed in answer to question four. The start of your fitness plan is not a good time to try new types of exercise, so focus on your favorites – they’ll help you feel confident and comfortable for the first few weeks. Activities like walking, jogging and body-weight exercises are a great way to start out. I love the phrase:

“don’t run before you can walk” because a slow and steady approach builds results that will last.


If you find yourself always stumbling because of one particular obstacle then avoid it! It sounds simple I know, but if you always plan early morning workouts but you can’t get out of bed then consider lunchtime or evening sessions. You know yourself and your fitness plan needs to be tailored to who you are so, don’t pledge to do something that you won’t enjoy because then you’re less likely to succeed.


Now you should have everything you need to create a fitness plan that meets your needs. You know what you want to achieve, how you what to achieve it and why. You even know what might knock you off course. With your fitness plan, be kind to yourself and choose an easier route that you know you will be happy navigating over the long term.

Once you have gathered all your thoughts, why not write them out clearly? For me, transferring my thoughts to paper helps to make them concrete – and if I have my goals written down, I know I can’t ignore them. Place your fitness plan somewhere prominent to remind you of your starting point and your aims. I recommend sticking it on the fridge because keeping it visible will help to keep you motivated. I also always keep an exercise journal because it’s a great way to track my progress and, when it works, you want to be able to remember how you did it.

My Beach Body Plan

Summer bodies are made in winter, so it's time to start your journey to becoming the best version of yourself. Read on to discover our experts' top tips on fitness and nutrition to help you look and feel great, just in time for summer.


Over the past few decades, carbohydrates have gone from highly praised,to the enemy for weight loss. But is this controversial macro nutrient really bad for you? For Susan Bowerman, Director, Nutrition Training, Herbalife,perhaps they are just misunderstood…

Carbs are everywhere…

Those on a low or no-carb diet will often steer clear of the most well known sources such as bread, pasta and potatoes, but did you know that carbs are hiding in lots of other foods too? As Susan explains, “Lots of foods supply carbohydrates, which is good because carbs are what your body relies on for fuel."

Stay hydrated

The body functions best when it’s well-hydrated, so ensure you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day,and avoid the empty calories of fizzy drinks.

Good vs. bad

However, Susan is quick to point out that all carbohydrates are not equal. Explaining that the least processed carbohydrates are the most beneficial, she lists fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains as the best options to choose. “In addition to carbohydrates, these foods deliver


Remember; results come best from an 80% nutrition and 20% exercise plan, so why not try out some of Samantha Clayton’s body-sculpting moves? See the opposite page.

vitamins and minerals," she says. "And in the case of plant foods, they supply fibre and natural antioxidants too.”

The 'bad’ carbs to avoid are highly processed and refined; found in sugars, pastries, white pasta & white flour breads, to name just a few. “These have little to offer the body other than calories," says Susan. "So it makes sense to meet our carb needs from healthier sources, since many
other nutrients are part of the package."

The importance of fibre

Many people are unaware that fibre is a type of carbohydrate, and is considered the most important dietary factor for helping to support healthy digestion1. Found in foods such as fruits, vegetables and grains, fibre plays a big part in keeping the body healthy.

Adults are recommended to consume 25g fibre per day2, but most people fail to reach this recommendation 3. Including high-fibre foods and fibre supplements in your daily diet can help you feel the benefits of fibre.


Let’s talk about how to build all-over bodyconfidence!I’m excited to be sharing my personal experience with self-esteem andbody image, how they go hand in hand, and what we need to do to stay confident.

Most people battle with low self-esteem and body confidence at some point in life. Perhaps we wish our skin was clearer, or that our stomach was flatter, or our nose was smaller, or maybe we wish we were taller/shorter. These feelings apply to both men and women.There are mornings when I stand in front of a mirror looking at myself.

I check out my arms, my stomach and even my butt, and if I’m already feeling low, I can start to feel worse. I decide I want to look like I did when I was 22 years old. I start to get down on myself and I can literally feel my confidence slipping away.After a full body bashing, I continue to torture myself by scrutinizing

“Oh great, there’s a new little wrinkle developing.Oh wonderful, a stray hair randomly growing someplace it shouldn’t be.”

Sigh! If it weren’t for the fear of seven years of bad luck, that mirror would be history.

In my mind, I am still in my early 20’s. But my mind and my body are definitely NOT on the same page! Often, our body image is directly tied to our self-esteem. And there is no reason why we shouldn’t have all-over body confidence no matter what we look like. It’s important to embrace who we are today and let go of the past. Let go of the standardized perceptions of beauty, and find confidence from within. And, the best part is, if there is something we are unhappy about – we have the power to change it.

Let’s face it, the things that bother us the most are the things that no one else would ever notice about us.

However, when we do work on ourselves and we see change, our confidence starts to build. Little things can make a huge impact.For me, it was cleaning out my closet. I used to hold onto clothes forever. And every time I would walk in my closet I would see a certain pair of hipped-jeans circa 1985 and my mind would say…

“Remember when you were a skinny young thing and rocked those jeans?”

That one single thought would zap my self-confidence and I would start to feel bad about myself. The solution? Get rid of the jeans.

I know it’s simple but, for me, not holding onto the past was important. No one needs a daily reminder of something that might make them feel bad for no reason. Everyone has different concerns,but we all have the power to improve how we view ourselves.Here are few simple rules we can follow to create all over body confidence and improve or self-esteem:

Self-image and self-confidence go hand in hand

Body confidence rule 1: Be realistic!

It’s okay NOT to look like you did when you were 22. Think back to the good old days, were you wearing fashions that belong i nthe past? Platform shoes, bell-bottoms or skinny ties? Perhaps itwas big shoulder pads, acid-wash jeans or a crop top? Maybe you wore plaid shirts and clothes that were unflatteringly yet fashionably baggy?

Enough reminders of past fashion! Whatever the case, let’s admitit once and for all; we really do look better now than we did then!And if you aren’t sure, show an old picture of yourself to someone adecade younger than you. I showed my kids a picture of me rockinga once-trendy outfit and – love ‘em – they burst out laughing. Let’sromanticize the future, not the past!

Body confidence rule 2: Focus on the positive!

You know that feeling you get when someone randomly tells you that they love your shoes, or think your hair looks great? Or when someone asks, “Have you been working out?” Think about how you feel in those moments. We all have many positive attributes but sometimes just one, self-perceived, negative overrules the many positives.

Let’s change our focus: look in the mirror and what do you see?Focus on the good things. Do you have nice shiny hair, sparkly eyes,beautiful white teeth, toned abs or glowing skin? Compliment yourself on what you love about you each and every day. And own it!

Body confidence rule 3: Change is good.

If you want to change something about yourself, do it sooner than later. If it’s your hair, try a new cut. If you’re losing your hair and it’s making you insecure, get rid of it. I know it’s difficult, but Taye Diggs,Jason Statham, Vin Diesel and Pitbull are all bald and they exudeself- confidence. And hey, even yours truly was bald for a few years.Gentlemen, trust me, bald can be very sexy.

Worried about your weight? Today is the day to make a change.Read one of Samantha or Susan’s articles to help get you started.The sooner you get started on making a change, the sooner you willstart feeling better about yourself!

Remember, beauty is found in the eye of the beholder not on the pages of a fashion magazine. Throw your shoulders back, stand up tall, lift your chin up and smile. Love yourself, love your family and love your friends. Compliment yourself and others every day and be confident in who you are. Self-confidence exudes positivity. Today isthe day to make a change for the better.

"A positive self-image equals self-confidence!" 

Find out if your attitude is holding you back from fitness

Excuses. You name them I’ve heard them! In today’s article I’m giving you the tools you need to succeed and meet your body goals.  Sometimes all it takes is some straight talking to help us realize we can be our own worst enemies and I won’t let you sabotage your fitness plan, so let’s get down to it.
Many people see the New Year as a chance for a fresh start, a new beginning on the road to becoming a better, slimmer, more toned, more muscular, more committed and a more successful version of themselves. But something happens to I’m guessing about 90% of people that start out excitedly on a New Year’s healthy active journey. They quit. The reasons for quitting are vast and I will smile as I share with you that I’ve heard just about every excuse in the book during my 14 years in the fitness industry and I’ll shyly admit that I’ve used some of them myself on a rare lazy day.
Take steps
Quitting is a guaranteed way to not achieve your goals. Whether you decide to set business goals, fitness and health goals or career goals – if you quit, you fail. Getting frustrated and having a few setbacks is a normal and natural part of the self- improvement process. I’m sure you’ve heard the lyrics in Paula Abdul’s Opposites Attract song “two steps forward, one step back” I love that saying because I believe it’s true, we don’t always just make forward progress, many successful people will share that they learn a lot from the step back. My thought is that so long as you’re moving and striving to go in the right direction; you’re still succeeding.
A gift for you
Every time we feel a little bit of positivity from knowing we’re making the right choices, we get that feel good feeling that can boost our confidence and fuel us to keep going forward towards our goals. Setting yourself up for success is the best gift you can give yourself.
I want to share some do’s and don’ts to help you accomplish your goals. Strategy is everything when you are setting out on a new journey, so let’s avoid some of the most common healthy resolution mistakes together.

Four tips to help you achieve body goal success

Attitude fix 1:
Don’t: Delay. You don’t have to wait for a set date to get started. Some weeks and months may make it tough for you to prioritize nutrition and fitness but don’t put off starting towards your goals. Every good choice you make today counts towards your goals.
Do: Start making good choices right now. Deciding ‘I may as well eat this’, or ‘I may as well miss that exercise class’ is a dangerous mindset to have. Chances are if you keep that attitude and decide to be healthier tomorrow then tomorrow will never come … or you’ve made it harder for yourself when you do decide to work on improving your fitness and nutrition because your starting point is further from your goal.
Attitude fix 2:
Don’t: Feel you need to splurge on big fitness items: the expensive machines you see on TV could put you into debt and may end up just collecting dust. The models advertising the machine are just that; models. Companies hire fitness models who made a commitment to a healthy active life a long while ago, so don’t be fooled into thinking the machine alone is going to get you that body. Physical change requires lifestyle change that includes taking a balanced approach towards your nutritional habits and making a commitment to be active. One fancy machine is not going to get the job done.
Do: To get fit, the only thing you really need is supportive sneakers. You can also add a few inexpensive fitness items like some light dumbbells and a yoga mat to help get you started. You don’t need much to start your active journey. In fact many very fit people only use their body weight to get in shape.
If you feel that a machine like a treadmill will help you to exercise more at home, earn it. Prove to yourself that you are committed first and develop a steady fitness habit. Once you are exercising 3-4 days a week for a few months in a row, making an investment in the right machine could be a good idea. My tip if you’re going to buy is to get a used machine, after all most home gym equipment are used as dust collecting clothes hangers. With fitness equipment ‘used’ often means ‘as good as new’.
Attitude fix 3:
Don’t: Do it alone. We are all human beings and thrive from getting positive encouragement from our loved ones. Don’t start on a secret healthy journey, instead share your passion for wanting to improve your health with the people you care about.
Do: Encourage a friend or family member to help you along the way, ask them to help you stay accountable and be your shoulder to lean on for those set-back days. Every one has them. If you can find a healthy group in your community – get involved with them.
Attitude fix 4:
Don’t: Jump right in. One of the main reasons people quit with a new exercise routine is that they push themselves to hard at the start which can lead to injury, stress, fatigue and low self-esteem.
Do: Accept where you are on your fitness journey right now, know your limitations and take it one day and one step at a time. The more fun you have and the more you embrace taking a progressive approach, the better chance you’ll have of getting results that last. Choose activities that you enjoy and gently push yourself a little harder every few weeks. Remember that as your fitness level improves you have to adapt your exercise routine to accommodate your newly-improved fitness level.
Let’s become the best that we can be! Set your sights on a new goal and use ourDiscoverGoodFitness community to help you succeed. Share your journey in the comments section so that we can each inspire each other not to quit.

Smart fitness: 5 tips to get you from ‘fit’ to ‘fitter’

Are you ready to improve your fitness level? Then it’s time to get smart about fitness.
What would you say if I told you that in order to improve your fitness level, you may need to slow down a little? It’s common to think that you must push yourself to get good results. Yet you never need to go to the point of exhaustion. The truth is: you need to progress your workouts in a measured, timely manner. Progression does not have to be in the form of a giant leap, I really think small steps work best.
Wherever you are with your personal fitness level, whether you’re a brand new exerciser or a seasoned pro, if you listen to your body and continue to push yourself one day at a time,you’ll achieve great results.
Let’s start by considering a common misconception for people who are new to exercise. When you start out with a new healthy active lifestyle activity, it’s very easy to push yourself too hard, too soon. There is often a chain reaction:
1. Suddenly exercise sparks a stream of feel-good endorphins. You may feel pleased with your improved fitness and increasingly toned body shape.
2. To increase these results, you push yourself too much. This leads to you working too hard and, seemingly contradictorily, the results slow down or you become exhausted and wind up back on the couch.
If you want real results, you have to plan ahead and build a realistic and attainable fitness plan. Fitness has come a long way since the days of the ‘no pain, no gain’ philosophy. Now we have a smarter approach: we need to step just outside our comfort zone one day at a time.
I like to tell people to think of their body as if it were a high-performance sports car. You have to be understand a little of how the car works to get results. No one can jump in, pop the car into the highest gear and zoom away. That approach will leave them stalled on the driveway. Instead, you need to carefully take the car up through it’s gears. You can reach the top gear – but you have to go through the lower gears first.
If you learn to listen to your body, you’ll improve your performance and get more out of your healthy activities.
When I meet people who say they hate exercise, they often go on to tell me that they push themselves to exhaustion during every workout. No wonder it’s no fun and I’m not surprised they’ve decided they hate all exercise. Training using a smart fitness approach instead may give them the mental boost they need to stick with a fitness program long-term. My goal is to help everyone associate fitness with a positive feeling instead of dread.
Let me share my smart fitness tips to help you get more out of your activities.

1. Listen to your body

Trust that your body knows best. Understanding that pain is your body’s way of letting you know something is not right is very important for getting great results. You can’t workout if you’re injured, so being conscious of how your body feels may help you avoid unnecessary injury. It is common to feel a little muscular discomfort during physical activity but pain must never be ignored.

2. Build a solid foundation

Getting started with a fitness plan or increased activity level should be approached in a gentle way. Recognize that starting out slowly in order to build a base level of fitness may require patience but the end results will be improved fitness. Working on your core muscles, flexibility, improving your balance, and building an aerobic base all involve not pushing yourself to maximum exertion. Trust that building a solid foundation will allow you to be better prepared for those harder workouts to come.

3. Steady progression

In order to improve, you must progress your workouts, This may seem like common sense but so many people wonder why they’re not getting results even though they are doing the same exercise routine every day. Your body will adapt to the demands you place on it – if you want better results, you must increase the demands you place on your body.
There are many ways to progress your workouts; you can increase the intensity level, duration, resistance, or frequency. Be sure not to push yourself too far, too fast. Tip 1 and tip 4 will help you to navigate how much is too much. You can apply this steady progression to weights and cardio exercise.

4. Mastering technique

You must master basic exercise technique before adding weight to your routine. Your own body weight is perfect, especially if you are new to exercise. Once you feel comfortable, you can slowly increase the additional weight you use.
How will you know when it’s time to increase your weight? Your body will tell you! As soon as an exercise feels easy and you are not pushing yourself, you should be ready to advance the difficulty level. Doing an exercise using correct form is essential if you want to get good results while ensuring you are not putting your muscles or joints at risk.

5. Understand the cycle

Athletes train in cycles in order to improve their fitness level and performance. A quality training cycle involves a foundation phase, followed by a strength and power phase – with adequate time allowed for rest and recovery. Every time you repeat the cycle you may see big improvements.

How to jump start your diet: 10 tips you need to know

Jump start your diet for two weeks with these helpful tips.  They may help you get the results you need to stay motivated!
Often when I start new clients on a weight loss plan, they’ll ask if there’s a way to give their diet a bit of a jump start.  I’m usually pleased to hear this – when someone wants to fast-track a new diet, it tells me that they’re committed to the plan and eager to get started.   And, a diet jump start may help you to see some results fairly quickly, which means it may motivate you to step up your weight loss efforts and stick with your plan.
At the same time, if you do want to jump start your diet, it’s important to do it the right way.  It’s generally not a good idea to cut your calories too drastically – for one thing, the nutritional balance of your diet may suffer.  On top of that, you’re likely to be tired and hungry if you don’t provide your body with a reasonable amount of fuel.  And, a diet that’s overly strict might simply be difficult to stick with for more than a couple of days.
There are a few things you can do to safely give your diet a kick start for a couple of weeks. Try these 10 tips to fast-track your diet.

10 Tips to Jump Start Your Diet For Two Weeks

Commit to your plan in writing.
Write down all the reasons and motivations you have for losing weight and getting into shape, and post your list someplace where you’ll see it every day. You might even carry a copy with you in a pocket or in your purse so you can refer to it whenever you feel your commitment starting to slip.
Plan out all your meals and snacks.
Admittedly, this takes some time, but the payoff will be worth it.  When you write out a detailed meal plan, it helps to firm up your commitment – you can consider your own personal likes and dislikes, and really “own it”. When you create your menus, you can also plan out how you’ll spend your calories.  You can also use your menus to create a detailed shopping list and plan for preparing your meals for a few days at a time.
Get rid of foods that aren’t on your meal plan.
Once you’ve decided what you’re going to be eating, it’s important to get rid of all the things that might tempt you.  Go through your freezer, refrigerator and cupboards, and clear out any foods that aren’t on your plan.
Eat five times a day. 
Plan to have three meals and two small snacks, and plan to eat every 3-4 hours.  It makes it easier to eat smaller portions at meals and snacks when you know you’ll be eating every few hours.  Your snacks can be mid-morning, mid-afternoon, or evening – it’s up to you.
Eat all your meals at home. 
Eating out is convenient, but you’ll have much more control if you can prepare everything at home for a couple of weeks. It can be difficult to accurately estimate your calories when you eat out  – you often don’t know exactly how foods are prepared, or the precise portion sizes.   When you assume full responsibility for what you eat, it’s a lot easier to keep track of your calories.
Replace two meals a day with a meal replacement.
Meal replacements come in many forms, including Herbalife® Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix, other protein shakes and Herbalife® Formula 1 Protein Bars.  What makes them so convenient is that they’re portion-controlled, designed to be nutritionally balanced, and they take the guesswork out of your calorie counting.  Many people find that an easy way to jump start their diet is to replace two meals with a meal replacement shake or bar, then have a calorie-controlled, healthy entrée as their third meal with extra veggies and salad on the side.
Eat the same menu every day. 
Some people find that it helps to eat the same menu every day for a couple of weeks.  Plan out what you’ll eat, how much, and calculate the calories so you’ll know exactly what you’re taking in every day.  When you don’t have to make different choices every day, you don’t have to worry about making any mistakes in your calorie counting.
Eat more vegetables than fruits, eat more fruits than starches. 
For just two weeks, aim to get most of your carbohydrates from veggies and salads.  Keep your fruit intake to just one or two servings per day, and skip the starches.  Vegetables have the fewest calories per bite, but they’re filling and nutritious, so load up on salads and cooked vegetables.  Have your fruit as a snack or add it to your protein shakes.
Start lunch and dinner with a salad. 
When you start your lunch and dinner meals with a lightly dressed salad, you’ll start to fill up without consuming a lot of calories.  Vegetables take up a lot of space in your stomach, so having your salad first can help you control the portion size of your entrée. And, eating in courses also helps you to slow your pace, too.
Start every meal with a glass of water.
A glass of water won’t necessarily fill you up very much – or for very long – but many people find that it does help.  And, since many people don’t drink as much fluid as they should, starting each meal with a glass of water may help to establish this healthy habit.